Belo Corp./Tegna
In July 2013, Gannett Company acquired Belo Corp. Richard was kept on, and helped move the stations from the Clickability CMS over to Gannett's Presto CMS. Shortly after the acquisition, Gannett split into a print media company and a digital media company. Richard moved with the digital team to Tegna.
Corporate Redesign
Out of a team of three, Richard's design was picked for the corporate website. He worked with a group to create the new look and layout for the site. Since they had the general layout from the original design, wireframes weren't needed, only mockups. Richard first worked with his boss and immediate team, then passed the designs on for review and approval from the other departments involved. Once the design was approved, he built the site out on the CMS's staging server. This part went fairly quickly for him. After final approvals from all departments and CEO, the site was launched ahead of schedule.
KREM Advertising
KREM wanted to update their advertising information page into a media kit section. After a call with Richard, he created the wireframes and three different mockups. KREM picked the elements and layouts they liked best. Richard created the section using the Clickability CMS templates then added styles to match the mockups with CSS and HTML.
Are You My Family?
Richard worked with the digital team at KENS 5 in San Antonio to create this section. He received the mockup below and worked in the Clickability CMS to create a new template layout. After the initial layout was created in staging, Richard made any edits or changes before setting the page live.
2012 Lone Star EMMY Award Nomination for Interactivity.
Rachel's Challenge
This was a national campaign that partnered all of the Belo sites with the Rachel's Challenge Organization to promote a message of compassion in local communities. Richard worked with his boss and a team of site managers to come up with the basic template design. Using some design elements from the Rachel's Challenge site, he created three mockups. The team then decided on the layout. After building out the pages, sites were able to request changes to better fit their market and content.
Mockup 1
Mockup 2
Sports Section
Richard worked with KENS 5 to set up a new layout for their sports section. Half of the sites used the customizable layouts on their sites. They each encorporated different elements to best suit their market and needs.
For sites with less coverage in a given sport, the team was able to add third party content and style to fit the look of the each sites' sports section.